2017 | Fellow für Innovationen Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger was awarded as "Fellow für Innovationen in der digitalen Hochschullehre" by the "Stifterverband". |
2017 | Best Paper Award Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger was awarded for her work "Two are better than one the influence of congruence on the perceived value of HR" together with Bernhard Wach, Dr. Marius Wehner and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst with the "Best Paper Award " by the "Academy of Management Meetings". |
2016 | hein@ward Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger was awarded for her outstanding commitment and innovative impulses in eLearning with the "hein@ward" by the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. |
2015 | Highly Commended Paper 2015 Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger was awarded for her work "Controllers as business partners in managerial decision-making" together with Dr. Sebastian Wolf, Dr. Marius Wehner and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kabst as "Highly Commended Paper 2015" by the "Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change". |
2013 | Controlling-Nachwuchspreis Mrs Christine Ohlert reached with her master thesis, "The effects of information presentation on the base-rate fallacy: an experimental approach", the third rank in the "Controlling-Nachwuchspreis" competition of the "Internationaler Controller Verein". |
2012 | Förderpreis der Nürnberger Steuergespräche e.V. Dr. Tom Sieber recieved the "Auszeichnung des Förderpreises der Nürnberger Steuergespräche e.V." for his Dissertation "Strategieorientierte Berichterstattung im Lagebericht deutscher börsennotierter Unternehmen". |
2011 | Péter Horváth-Controllingpreis Dr. Jochen A. Hönninger was awarded with the 1. Prize for his practical Dissertation "Wertorientierte Steuerung dezentraler Entscheidungsträger im Produktlebenszyklus - Integration von wertorientierter Unternehmenssteuerung und strategischem Kosten- und Erlösmanagement auf Produktebene" by the "Péter Horváth Stiftung". |
2011 | Controlling-Nachwuchspreis Mr. Dipl. Kfm. MBA Sebastian Göbel was awarded with the "Controlling-Nachwuchspreis" by the "Internationalen Controller Verein" for his Diploma: "Controllinggerechte Gestaltung von Anreizsystemen in Krisensituationen". |
2010 | Preis für die beste Dissertation Dr. Hendrik Angelkort was awarded for his Dissertation "Integration des Rechnungswesens als Erfolgsfaktor für die Controllerarbeit" with the prize for the best dissertation at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen in 2009/2010 in the field of business and law. |
2003 | Österreichischer Controller-Preis Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger was awarded for her work "Anreizkompatible Erfolgsrechnung im Kontext der Konzernsteuerung" by the "Österreichische Controller-Preis" from the "Österreichischen Controller-Instituts". |