Dr. Christine Ohlert
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Cognitive Biases in Managerial Judgment and Decision-making: Adverse Effects and Remedies, Dissertationsschrift Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2018 [Available here]
- Beating the base-rate fallacy: an experimental approach on the effectiveness of different information presentation formats (Christine R. Ohlert/Barbara E. Weißenberger), Journal of Management Control, Vol. 26 (2015), Nr. 1, S. 51-80.
- Debiasing escalation of commitment: the effectiveness of decision aids to enhance de-escalation (Christine R. Ohlert/Barbara E. Weißenberger), Journal of Management Control, Vol. 30 (2020), Nr. 4, S. 405-438.
- Sunk Costs and the Role of Information in Economic Decision-making (Christine R. Ohlert/Peter Kotzian).