Tackling Complexity in Business and Society Research: The Methodological and Thematic Potential of Factorial Surveys; zusammen mit Josua Oll, Rüdiger Hahn und Daniel Reimsbach. In: Business & Society (2016)
Holding International Governance to Account: Do Civil Society Organizations Have a Chance to Exert Accountability?; zusammen mit Beate Kohler-Koch. In : Journal of International Organizations Studies (2015) voL. 6 (2).
To Be or Not to Be in the Sample? On the Consequences of Using Manipulation Checks in Experimental Accounting Research (2015). SSRN Working Paper Series. Available at SSRN: ssrn.com/abstract=2607425; zusammen mit Thomas Stöber, Florian Hoos und Barbara E. Weißenberger.
For Better, for Worse? Public Support for the Capitalist Model of the Economy In : International Review of Sociology – Revue Internationale de Sociologie (2015) vol. 25 (2): 262-280.
Konsultationsprozesse der Kommission: Steuerung von EU-Lobbying. In: Doris Dialer und Margarethe Richter (Hrsg.) EU-Lobbying zwischen Professionalisierung und Regulierung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachbuch (2014): 73-89; zusammen mit Christine Quittkat.
Good Governance and Norms of Citizenship In: American Journal of Economics and Sociology (2014) vol. 73 (1): 58-83.
Do Members Make a Difference? A Study of Transnational Civil Society Organizations. In: European Political Science Review (2013) vol. 5 (1): 55-81.
Conditional trust: The role of individual and system-level features for trust and confidence in institutions. In: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (2011) vol. 5 (1): 25-49.
Cosi fan tutte: Information, Beliefs and the Compliance with Norms. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie (2011) vol. 40 (4): 158-173.
Public Support for the Liberal Democratic Model of Society. In: International Political Science Review (2011) vol. 32 (1): 23-41.